Hi, guys! Wow, it's been awhile since I last posted. Been SO BUSY lately, so I've turned into a VERY lazy blogger. Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things and resume more regular posting, because I truly do miss this place!:)
Since my fave store, Anthropologie, has been pretty much a colossal disappointment on the spring/summer 2011 fashion front, I've been turning my eye to other retail establishments in search of perfect pieces to carry me through the summer. I'm loving the maxi skirt/dress trend that is currently all the rage, and LOVE this amazingly beautiful, brilliant cobalt blue skirt from Intermix. Holy crap, though, is this really $400????
Rag & Bone Silk Chiffon Maxi Skirt

Also loving this bright orange
Jay Godfrey number:
Kind of has a bit of a 70's vibe going on, which I'm digging at the moment.;) All of the pieces that I'm attracted to this season feature bright, bold colors & airy, flowy and super light fabrics to carry me through the sticky East Coast summer.
I'm off to enjoy this lovely long Memorial Day weekend with my boyfriend. We're enjoying the most perfect weather here in the Big Apple. I'll leave you with a few quick pics of my day on Governors Island, where I kicked off the summer with a bike ride around the island and picnic on the grass, followed by a lovely stroll down some shady, tree-lined lanes. If you live in NYC and haven't experienced Governors Island, I highly recommend that spend a day enjoying all that it has to offer.
Check out how crystal clear and blue the sky is in the pic above! Wow, we don't get too many days like this in the city. The pic was taken at the Water Taxi Beach on Governors Island.
Here's a pic of me wearing a bunch of new makeup from a recent Sephora splurge. I thought I'd try a more natural look, since several people have pointed out that I often wear a LOT of makeup, LOL. Do you like?
Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!